Videos from Islam & Secularism Series Season 1

As promised at our events, here are the videos from the series of conversations we’re hosting based on the book by Prof Al-Attas Islam & Secularism. Do visit this page from time to time, as we will be uploading more videos from the other sessions (Season One – 13 May, 27 May, 10 June, 24 June. And Season Two – 21 Oct, 4 Nov, 18 Nov). secularismPoster2Square Take note that these videos aren’t meant to substitute your attendance. Please do try and make it to the sessions, as even if we do upload the full session on YouTube (which we won’t), it is still different in terms of learning new things face to face, and the environment also. In some way, yes the mint tea, ginger coffee and curry puffs we serve, is part and parcel of that discussion we get during each session.

From 29 April 2013 session

From 29 April 2013 session

From 29 April 2013 session

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