Afro, bald. Cycle of life. Well known by public, except how many of them really comprehend it? Think about it, do you cherish the moment when you have everything, until it slowly fades away? Come and look to it in terms of nature, look around you. How does the surrounding looks now, compare to 50 years back?
Together, we unite at Serai Restaurant, KL Life Centre, Jalan Sultan Ismail on December 18th, to remind ourselves again how sick is the nature now, and let’s find the way to fix it. We’ll be screening “How To Restore a Rainforest” by Willie Smits and “What Rainforest : Wake Up and Smell the Palm Oil” by Hillary Chiew / Chi Too / Ketapang Pictures. Link to FB Event Page here.

This is a series on environment focusing on permaculture based thinking and solutions, namely looking at polyculture ecosystem (2 December), modeling nature (10 December), and counter deforestation (18 December), organized by Peace Meal and Basatin Filahah Permaculture. It’s free and open to non-tree huggers and coffee drinkers. See poster above.
Basatin Filahah Permaculture (BFP) is a company recently set up by four friends with a passionate interest in the permaculture approach toward actualizing a world of right livelihood for the common good. BFP offers educational, research and advisory services in permaculture design, right livelihood and the gift economy.