Some people buy fair-trade products, because it is cool or a trend, and not based on ethical reasons. Likewise some Muslims promote better relations with non-Muslims for various reasons, but unfortunately not due to it being a Prophetic character and tradition. Be it in respecting others or another matter, the character of good Muslims ought to depend on them being so, because they are Muslims and not because they happen to be Muslims.
This evening will be looking at closely what Muslims (and others perhaps) inherited from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), on inter-religious relations.

Adab Respecting Non-Muslims: A Prophetic Inheritance A session with Habib Muhammad Abdullah Alaydrus 8.30pm – 10pm Thursday 22 May 2014 Cafe Lapis – click here for map (next to Burger King Wangsa Maju) *Lapis will close their kitchen at 8pm.
Habib Muhammad sits on the fatwa council of Tarim, which says a lot about his fiqh knowledge. That said, spending time with him, he’s more of a tasawwuf man. He’s also head of Da’wa department of the seminary Dar al-Mustafa in Tareem, Hadhramout. He also conducts courses in South Africa, Japan and recently Germany.
Abdul-Jalal Ziat of Seekers Guidance, and Muhammad Iqbal Zain of Darul Muhibbin and student of Centre for Advance Studies in Islam, Science and Civilization will be the translator for the evening. Amin Rahman of Young Muslims Project will be the MC and moderator.