Rehan Khan was born in Wimbledon, in 1971 and is now based in Dubai with his wife and two children. Rehan penned his first ‘novel’ at the age of nine and has been writing ever since. As a child he loved listening to swashbuckling tales of heroism and valour, as well as dabbling in science fiction. Whilst attending the Oxford University Summer School for Adults in 2010 he started scribbling notes around courage and valour. This became the beginnings for the Last of the Tasburai, his debut epic fantasy novel. During the day, Rehan is the Regional Consulting Director in the MENA region for a FTSE 100 corporation, and is also a Professor of Management at an international business school.
Khalina Khalili is a mother of three teenagers and author of “The Camel’s Journey.” Her “Kids and Science Series” are soon to be published by Dar al-Andalus(InshaAllah) comprising of ten stories that portray the Islamic approach towards nature for ages 6 months to three years old. She is currently doing her Ph.D. in Islamic Philosophy at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Islam, Science and Civilization(CASIS), UTM.